Friday, November 5, 2010

Regimes of truth, Doing Focult in Early childhood Studies

Developmental truth have created a regimes of turht about children in different ways and in different places.
Regimes of turht have equite effect since these regimes of turht are the effect of domination. When one turht accumulate official sanction, other turht become silenced and marginalized. These process in Focult's view is 'violence'; he believes that this process marginalize diversity.
In child development, dominate child developmental truth privilege western/minority wold marginalize majority's views. Most developmental norm are based on white-middle class and westernized countries and these developmental norms marginalize cultural diversity in majority world.
For example: Being independent form adult which is a standard developmental measure in westernized countries wouldn't be applicable in non-western countries/Majority world. While developmental norm in Minority world value independecy, Majority world dont' pay much attention to independecny, however; they value co-operation.
Children form Majority word especially children form poorer countries, or children who struggle to live from war and violence wouldn't be fit in the developmental norms. And their way of thinking, acting, being, and feeling would be marginalize by those developmental norms.
Valdivia(1995) believes that a series of developmental skill, verbal interaction, non-verbal interaction and feeding routines are culturally specific.
Children form different culture would be viewed as children with developmental delay based on the westernized norms, however  if we look ate them within their own culture, these children are groiwng normally with no delay in their development.
Developmental truths in westernized countiers marginalize other cultures in Majority world. They marginalize the "others" ways of thinking, being, feeling, acting, and interacting.
Focult argued that 'knowldeg and truth are tied up with the way in which power is exercised in our age... and are themselves caught up in power struggles.' 'No knowledge is 'ture' knowledge free from ideology. Instead, all knowledge is 'culturally prejudiced' (ibid.; p 2) and is, therefore partial, situated and local. it expresses particular knowledge/power relations and can not be applicable universally. For instance, if developmental psychology is piratical, situated, local knowledge then it can not be applicable to all children at all times.'


Mac Naughton, G. (2005). Applying poststructural ideas. Doing Focualt in Early Childhood Studies.  New York: Rutledge.,

Dahlberg, G. & Moss, P. (2005). Ethics and Politics in Early childhood Edcuation. London and New York : RoutledgeFalmer

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